Milton, GA
Home MenuCommunity Risk Reduction (Fire Marshal)
Community Risk Reduction includes the Fire Marshal's Office, fire prevention, as well as fire safety and education. These efforts promote proactive measures aimed at preventing, or at least minimizing the negative impacts of, fires in order to save lives and property.
Fire Marshal's Office
The Milton Fire Marshal’s Office focuses on life-safety initiatives beyond the traditional fire suppression activities of the department.
Fire Safety & Education
The Milton Fire-Rescue Department offers many types of education programs that promote, enlighten and inspire residents to be safe, aware and better able to help themselves and others. These programs are available to schools, day care centers, churches, and businesses, in addition to being offered through local civic groups.
The Department's commitment to fire safety is thorough and intentional, contributing to the fact that Milton consistently has among the lowest fire-related death rates (e.g. deaths in fires) in the state of Georgia. They also reflect the high priority placed on being engaged and interactive with our community.